法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.98 鳴謝 Acknowledgement 鳴謝 Acknowledgements 們在編製本特刊時獲得不少人的幫助,他們有的利用自己的寶貴時間,與大家一起回憶 在法律援助署的美好時光;有的提供珍貴的資料或照片,展示法律援助署在過去五十年 的豐碩成就。 承蒙各方在本特刊的製作過程中提供協助,編輯委員會謹代表法律援助署致以由衷謝意。本 特刊得以順利出版,實在有賴他們用心竭力的幫助。 此外,亦感激康樂及文化事務署的全力協助,安排提供添馬公園的優美場地,讓法律援助署取景拍 攝全體職員大合照。 最後,當然亦要感謝爾思市務及公關有限公司的鼎力支持,使本特刊的製作得以圓滿成功。 法律援助署 五十周年紀念特刊編輯委員會 any people have offered their kind assistance in the production of this Publication. Some spent their valuable time to share with us their fond memories with the Legal Aid Department, while others provided us with valuable information or photographs in showcasing the glorious achievements of the Department throughout the past fifty years. On behalf of the Department, the Editorial Board would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all the people who had helped us in every step of the way in the production process. Without their help, the Publication would not be successfully published. In addition, we greatly appreciated the effective assistance and arrangement of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department for providing the Tamar Park as a beautiful backdrop for our staff group photo. Last but not least, we would like to thank Insight Marketing & PR Limited for its staunch support for the production of the Publication. 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication Editorial Board Legal Aid Department 我 M