法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

Developments Move with Times Justice for All Utilising Technology Advancements 法律援助署於1970年成立,致力為香港市民提供 法律援助,讓即使缺乏經濟能力的人,也能夠尋 求公義。在過去半世紀,香港從貿易港口發展 為製造業中心,再成為服務型城市,現在更是主 要的金融中心和旅遊熱點。多年來,法援署一直 秉持宗旨,隨着香港的發展與時並進,努力為市 民提供服務。在未來半世紀,法援署會繼續堅守 使命,為大眾敞開「公義之門」。 展望將來,法援署計劃利用最新的科技實踐「彰顯公 義」的理念。為提升效率,法援署現正就全面更新 「案件管理系統」以編組案件進行可行性研究,目的 是精簡法援案件的申請和處理工作,使流程更直接和 簡易。 法援署亦擬採用多個提升效率的方法,包括與司 法機構協作的電子存檔系統,以期增加處理現有 案件的透明度,並方便各方查看新的案件資料。 此外,使用關鍵字進行數碼搜索的案例參考系統 將取代目前使用的手動搜索,查閱案件的過程會 因此更為快捷,各方亦能同時進行資料搜索。 作為香港特別行政區政府一個運作獨立而不可或 缺的部分,法援署可以說是有關組織的典範之一。 為能繼續擔當重要的社會角色,並切合更多香港 市民的需要,法援署必須一直保持其運作上的獨立 性。法律援助的使命,就是盡可能協助所有不論其 種族、宗教、膚色或信仰但有合理理據提出法律訴 訟或抗辯的人尋求公義。在未來的五十年,法援署 將會繼續確保其運作上的獨立性,作為促進法治的 橋樑,為香港市民彰顯公義。 Legal Aid Department was established in 1970 and is committed to providing legal aid to people in Hong Kong so that even those who lack financial ability can gain access to justice. In the half century that the Department has been in operation, this mandate has never wavered. Instead, as the city evolved from a trading port into a manufacturing hub, then into a service-oriented city, and now its current status as a major financial centre and tourism mecca, the Department has been in step alongside Hong Kong’s maturity. All the while, the Department remains committed to enhancing justice for all as the Department embarks upon its second half century. Going forward, the Department plans to make use of the latest technology to achieve justice for all. It is currently conducting feasibility studies on organising its cases through a revamp of its Case Management System. The Department’s goal is to increase efficiency and to streamline the process for applications and management of legal aid cases. Several methods will be employed to raise efficiency, including the Department’s current collaboration with the Judiciary on an e-filing system. The joint effort will increase the transparency of existing cases as well as allow all parties to view the information of new cases. Further, a case reference system that operates through a digital search using key words will replace the manual search currently in place. This will speed up access to cases as well as allow more parties to search for information at the same time. The Department is one of Hong Kong’s shining examples of an operationally independent yet necessary part of the HKSAR Government. In order to remain vital and meet the needs of the people in Hong Kong as much as possible, it needs to maintain its operational independence. Its mission is to act in the best interests of those eligible for legal aid, regardless of race, religion, colour or creed. As the Department moves forward into its next fifty years, it will maintain its operational independence and act as a bridge to justice for all of Hong Kong. P.97 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 攜手向前 展望將來 Moving Forward Together for the Future 不斷發展 與時並進 善用科技 彰顯公義