法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

光輝里程 Milestones 1966.11.23 《法律援助條例》通過,除襲擊和毆打案件外,法援 計劃涵蓋幾乎所有在合議庭、最高法院及地方法院 審理的民事訴訟。法援計劃並沒有為經費設定預算 上限,申請者須接受案情審查和經濟審查。 Legal Aid Ordinance was passed, which sought to make legal aid available in all civil proceedings in the Full Court, Supreme Court and the District Court, except for assault and battery. There was no cap on the legal aid budget and the granting of legal aid is subject to a means test and a merits test. 《法律援助條例》 Legal Aid Ordinance 1970.7.1 法律援助署(法援署)正式成立,並遷往位於 炮台里、俗稱「紅磚屋」的前法國外方傳道會 大樓。 The Legal Aid Department (LAD) was established and moved to the old French Mission building on Battery Path, nicknamed the "Red Brick Building". 正式成立 Establishment 1973 成立訴訟組,並於德己立街 設立臨時辦事處。 Litigation Unit of LAD was set up and occupied temporary quarters in D’Aguilar Street. 訴訟組成立 Litigation Unit 1978 法援署於旺角彌敦道麗斯大厦設立分署,在接收和處理 民事法援申請方面,為申請者提供方便的選擇。九龍分 署於1991年遷往旺角政府合署現址。 LAD established a branch office at Ritz Building, Nathan Road, Kowloon as a convenient alternative for receiving and handling civil legal aid applications. In 1991, the Kowloon Branch Office moved to its present location at Mongkok Government Offices. 設立九龍分署 Kowloon Branch Office Established 1967.1.12 在司法機構開設一個名為法律援助組的附屬部 門,標誌著法律援助計劃正式投入運作。 Legal aid scheme came into operation when a sub-department of the Judiciary called the Legal Aid Section was set up within the Judiciary. 法援計劃投入運作 Legal Aid Scheme Came into Operation 1978.4.1 修訂《刑事案件法律援助規則》,所有於地 方法院審訊的刑事案件均列入法援範圍。 Legal Aid in Criminal Cases Rules were amended to cover all criminal cases in the District Court. 擴大刑事法援範圍 Widening Coverage of Criminal Legal Aid 1960 1970 P.12